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Henan Daily client "entrepreneur" channel launch ceremony and "Central Plains entrepreneur elite dialogue" activities were held

Release time: 2023-09-20Author: Henan Civil Architecture Society

  Disseminate entrepreneurial experience and promote entrepreneurial spirit。On the morning of September 20, the launching ceremony of the "Entrepreneur" channel of Henan Daily client with the theme of "Exchange, sharing and development" and the "Central Plains Entrepreneur Elite Dialogue" activity were held in Zhengzhou。

  More than 100 people from Henan Daily, Henan Henan Business Association, Henan Private Economy Research Association, Henan Investment and Financing Association and other relevant institutions in charge of the meeting, as well as Dennis Group, Daxin home and other well-known enterprises in the province, attended the meeting to discuss the development plan and seek a better future。


  Ceremony site,Henan Daily Party committee member, deputy editor-in-chief Wei Jian said,Henan Daily will give full play to the provincial party media resource advantages, platform advantages, communication advantages, interactive advantages, etc,Through innovation, integration and efficiency,We will vigorously promote entrepreneurship,It is committed to creating a good public opinion atmosphere for the healthy development of enterprises and entrepreneurs in Henan。At the same time, with the advantage of all-media platform and "Internet +", with the construction of "entrepreneur" channel as the starting point, we will promote mainstream media resources to sink to all levels of units in Henan, and work together with enterprises and entrepreneurs in the province to contribute to the high-quality economic and social development of Henan。

  随后,In the presence of all the guests,Vice Chairman of the 12th Henan Provincial Political Consultative Conference, Deputy Secretary of the Party Group,Qian Guoyu, president of Henan Henan Businessmen Association;Wang Yongsu, former Director of Henan Provincial Government Development Research Center;Wei Jian, member of Party Committee and deputy editor-in-chief of Henan Daily;Wang Rensheng, President of Dennis Group;Qiao Songtao, founder of UU Runner;Yan Jingyi, professor of Zhengzhou University and doctoral supervisor, took the stage together,Jointly announced the Henan Daily client "entrepreneur" channel officially launched。

  According to the presentation,In the future, the "Entrepreneur" channel of Henan Daily client will become a new platform for Henan entrepreneurs to communicate,Focus on hot topics of concern to enterprises and entrepreneurs,Through the opening of entrepreneur interview, entrepreneur, entrepreneur stories and other columns,Organize offline activities such as mutual visits of enterprises, lectures on enterprise management, dialogues between enterprise leaders, etc,Gather the strength of enterprises and entrepreneurs,Seek a new chapter of enterprise development。


  Another important part of the day's event was the entrepreneur elite dialogue。Wang Rensheng, President of Dennis Group, Pang Xueyuan, founder of Daxin Home, Qiao Songtao, founder of UU Errand, Yan Jingyi, professor of Zhengzhou University, etc. were the keynote speakers,They made keynote speeches respectively.91-year-old Wang Rensheng, president and site entrepreneur, recalls his journey from wandering to study to becoming the "King of Christmas Lights",And then back to the township catalpa founded Dennis department store mind course。With the title of "Advancing with The Times, New tools of Daxin in the new era", Pang Xueyuan introduced the back story of the establishment of Daxin Home, and also looked forward to the future and prospects of the era of smart home;Qiao Songtao, with the title of "always be the first person to eat crabs", introduced the entrepreneurship and financing story of UU runner。Yan Jingyi made a wonderful sharing from the perspective of enterprise brand management。

  In the interval of the speech, several young entrepreneurs also interacted with Pang Xueyuan, Qiao Songtao and Yan Jingyi by asking questions。Pang Xueyuan and Qiao Songtao shared their successful experiences with the young entrepreneurs present from the perspective of entrepreneurs。Although they grew up in different times, their successful experience has one thing in common, that is, the entrepreneurial spirit of "mind the country, act as", dare to innovate and adhere to the original heart。


  During the meeting, Henan Daily Media Co., Ltd. also signed strategic contracts with Henan Civil and Architectural Society, Henan Urban Construction Institute, Henan Liangchen Law Firm, Henan Private Economic Research Association, and Henan Jiangsu Chamber of Commerce。

转自Henan Daily client。

About Henan Civil Architecture Society

Henan Civil Architecture Society is a provincial, public welfare, professional and non-profit scientific and technological academic social organization voluntarily established by scientific and technological workers in the field of civil construction and relevant units in Henan province, approved by the provincial Civil Affairs Department and registered,Have independent legal personality;The competent unit shall be Science and Technology Association of Henan Province,Accept the supervision and administration of the provincial Civil Affairs Department,In business, we accept the guidance of China Civil Engineering Society, China Architectural Society and Henan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development。

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